Saturday 9 November
7:00am Doors open
Welcoming ceremony and opening ceremony
Procession of sangha enter venue
Initial homage and offerings
Welcome and introductions by MCs
Speech by Geshe Dhonam
Teaching by Kathok Rigdzin Chenpo Rinpoche: oral transmissions of The Seven Line Prayer, Mipham Rinpoche's Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones (Tashi Tshigpa,) and The Great Cloud of Blessings: The Prayer Which Magnetizes All That Appears and Exists (Wangdü); introduction to the Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra practice
9:45am-10:30am Morning tea break
Preliminary session
Opening section of the Vajra Dance - The Ling Dance of Great Bliss Music (Lingdro Dechen Rolmo) as an auspicious dance offering
Ven. Huichuang's detailed explanation and guidance of the ganachakra sessions
Three recitations of Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones (Tashi Tshigpa)
Twenty one recitations of The Great Cloud of Blessings: The Prayer Which Magnetizes All That Appears and Exists (Wangdü)
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch break: a pure vegetarian lunch will be served on site
1:30pm-3:30pm Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra offering accumulation
3:30pm-4:00pm Afternoon tea break
4:00pm-6:00pm Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra offering accumulation
Sunday 10 November
7:00am Doors open
​8:00am-10:00am Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra offering accumulation
10:00am-10:30am Morning tea break
10:30am-12:30pm Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra offering accumulation
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch break: a pure vegetarian lunch will be served on site
1:30pm-3:30pm Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana and ganachakra offering accumulation
3:30pm-4:00pm Afternoon tea break
Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana conclusion and closing ceremony including the full Vajra Dance - The Ling Dance of Great Bliss Music (Lingdro Dechen Rolmo)
This schedule is tentative and subject to change, please check back for the latest updates
Zoom information for livestream:
Webinar link
• Meeting ID: 860 6930 3819
• Password: 334134​
Practical information
For those attending in person, the venue capacity is 120 people. With the exception of monastics, ngakpas, and volunteers, entry is on a first come, first served basis. There is limited off-street parking available, we ask that these be saved for people with mobility issues, lamas, and our volunteers transporting goods. However, there are several side streets to park on within walking distance.
Majority of the seats will be chairs, you may want to bring your own cushions if you would prefer to sit on the hardwood floor.
The organisers will prepare 100 tormas as the primary ganachakra offering substance, however we encourage participants to bring their own contributions of foods, drinks, flowers, etc. in accordance with tradition as part of the gathering of offerings.
People are welcome to make offerings to the assembly at each session, envelopes and a limited number of khatas will be available for this purpose.
The schedule for this year's festival follows the traditional format of practising in four formal sessions a day. We are honoured to have Kathok Rigdzin Chenpo Rinpoche, a renowned Dzogchen master preside over the ceremony as vajra master. The first two sessions will consist of introductory teachings and preliminary practices. The full practice of the Rigdzin Dungdrub sadhana including the establishment of the mandala and the ganachakra offering will start from 1:30pm on Saturday. During the subsequent sessions we will continue to accumulate ganachakra offerings by reciting the short ganachakra practice 3 times followed by the ganachakra offering mantra 100 times, and repeating this cycle to complete 100,000 recitations of the mantra. We will end the day by withdrawing the mandala and reciting concluding prayers.​ The ceremony will feature Tibetan chanting and ritual music. The ganachakra offering verse may be recited in English and Chinese during some sessions.